Contact Fido Contact
For your convenience to contact Fido Contact We have provided all possible information of Fido Contact. You can contact Fido Contact on the given phone number +1-514-925-4590. To know the address location of Fido Contact it is also presented here Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Contact them by sending email to Fido Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about Fido Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Fido Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Fido Solutions is the brand of Mobile phone services owned by Rogers Communication. It is based in Ontario, Canada and offers services like GSM, EDGE, LTE, Internet etc. It is also associated with other Telecom companies in 200 nations to give roaming services to its customer on international level. It has over 3,372,763 subscribers which makes it one of the largest wireless service providers in Canada. Fido dates back to 1996 when it was founded by Microcell Solutions Inc. It is the Pioneer to provide GSM services in Canada and was the first to offer GPRS services in North America.
In 2004, it was taken over by Rogers Communications along with its parent company, Microwell. Fido was rebranded as Fido solutions. Its many services has been discontinued such as unlimited mobile Internet, mobile TV, fax messaging, Per Second Billing etc.
The Fido network provides coverage to many cities in Canada through GSM 1900. The Range of its HSPA+ services falls between the frequencies of 850 Mhz and 1900 Mhz. It provides the download speed upto 21 Mbit per second. Its LTE network is available in the cities like Vancouver, Kentville, Toronto, Moncton, Halifax, Hamilton, Ottawa, Montreal, Calgary, Edmonton etc.
Fido always insists on launching the innovative services since its foundation. One of such kind of services is to provide the unlimited talk time in various areas in Canada. It has also designed loyal program, FidoDOLLARS to benefit its long time customers. Fido also introduces several plans related to its calling and Internet services.
Fido offers mobile broadband services through its many plans and packages. Its unlimited Internet pack is meant for feature cell phones while the Internet packs for Smartphone are available on different charges according to the data. It offers Blackberry Internet Service for BlackBerry smartphones while Bbm service on unlimited basis is provided on every packages.
Fido products are available at many retail outlets such as Costco, Future Shop, Walmart, Loblaw Companies, Zellers Stores etc.