Contact Fedex UAE Contact
For your convenience to contact Fedex UAE Contact We have provided all possible information of Fedex UAE Contact. You can contact Fedex UAE Contact on the given phone number +971-2-671-0242. To know the address location of Fedex UAE Contact it is also presented here Landmark Plaza Building, Next to Salama Hospital, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Contact them by sending email to Fedex UAE Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about Fedex UAE Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Fedex UAE Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Fedex United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an international business location of Fedex Corporation that is headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, United States of America. FedEx is a public courier company and traded with "FDX" in New York Stock Exchange. FedEx Corporation is composed of various subsidiaries namely Office, Express, Ground, Freight, Custom Critical, Supply Chain, Trade Networks and Services. According to records of 2013, FedEx has made Revenue of US$ 45 billion, making it among the world's largest courier company on revenue basis. The company has wide workforce of 300,000 employees in 2012. FedEx was the first company that earned revenue of US$1 billion in 1983 without any merger or acquisition.
Business Operations
FedEx Corporation is a multinational courier company that operates business activities in More Than two hundred twenty nations and territories. FedEx Express is the name used for air services that are operated through forty five airports across Europe, Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and Africa. Air-fleet size consist of nearly fifty aircrafts namely 10 Boeing 777, 9 Boeing 757, 5 (McDonnell Douglas) MD-11, 4 Airbus A300-600, 8 Aerospatiale ATR-72, 10 Aerospatiale ATR-42 and Embraer EMB120 Brasilia. Fedex Ground represents the ground courier delivery services having vehicle fleet size of 3,696 vehicles. For customer support, company has twenty Three call centers in United Arab Emirates.
FedEx Corporation was founded somewhere in 1971 in Little Rock, Arkansas, United States as Federal Express Corporation. The corporation commenced in operations in 1973 with 389 employees and 14 Dassault Falcon jets. In the first operation of courier shipment the company delivered 186 packages to 25 U.S. cities. FedEx Corporation entered the market of Dubai in 1989 with direct flight operations by FedEx Express. FedEx was awarded for "Cool Chain Logistics 2013 Europe Excellence Awards".
FedEx Customer Service is available every day for 24 hours and 365 days. Toll-free Fedex United Arab Emirates customer service number is 800-33339.