Contact FedEx Jammu Contact
For your convenience to contact FedEx Jammu Contact We have provided all possible information of FedEx Jammu Contact. You can contact FedEx Jammu Contact on the given phone number 1800 209 6161. To know the address location of FedEx Jammu Contact it is also presented here Ground Floor, Hall No.1, Plot No.6, Narwal Commercial Complex, Jiwan Bhawan, Chambaghat, Jammu & Kashmir 180012, India. Contact them by sending email to FedEx Jammu Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about FedEx Jammu Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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FedEx Jammu Contact is Associated With and Known as:
FedEx Jammu is one of the division of Fedex Corporation located in the United States. FedEx Corporation operates as courier distributor company that serves national and international customers. The company was established on 2nd of October 1971 in Delaware. FedEx was formerly known as FedEx Express and was renamed as FedEx Corporation in the year 2000. The corporate head office is located in Memphis, Tennessee, United States. FedEx provides services through different divisions & subsidiaries that include Trade Networks, Office, Supply chain, Ground Freight, Custom Critical and Services. FedEx is publicly traded company listed on New York Stock Exchange. The company had total annual revenue of More Than $45 billion and total assets of nearly $30.57 billion as of the year 2013. According to the year 2012, the company had net income of approximately $2billion. The company employs more than 30,000 employees as of the year 2012.
FedEx International Services
FedEx offers wide range of services like international trade, shipping services, air and freight services for the delivery of packages. The FedEx Freight division provides freight shipping services and less than truckload services. The international trade advisory service includes custom clearance, assistance with the custom trade and global trade data. The Fedex Ground segment serve customers with high volume of low-weight, residential & business money back packages and less time sensitive business to user couriers. The company offers information technology, sales, communications, marketing, Mobile devices, create shipping levels, digital printing, create shipping customer service and other back office support services.