Contact EEOC
For your convenience to contact EEOC We have provided all possible information of EEOC. You can contact EEOC on the given phone number +1 1-800-669-4000, 1-800-669-6820. To know the address location of EEOC it is also presented here 131 M Street, NE Fourth Floor, Suite 4NWO2F Washington, DC 20507-0100, United States. Contact them by sending email to EEOC you will find an email address here / To know more about EEOC, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against EEOC, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
EEOC is Associated With and Known as:
EEOC is known as Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. EEOC is a Federal law enforcement agency which works against workplace discrimination based on national origin, sex, age, and genetic information. EEOC Company was founded in July 2,1965. Approximately 2,539 employee works in EEOC. EEOC is specific under the name of civil right Act of 1964, the rehabilitation act of 1973, the age’s discrimination.
Other Contact Number And Email Id's Of EEOC
The charge filing process:
1-800-669-4000, 1-800-669-6820(TTY) Email:
info@eeoc.govEEO process for Federal employees and agencies:
ofo.eeoc@eeoc.govRequesting EEOC records (FOIA)
202 663-4500TTY:
202 663-7026 FAX:
202 653-6034 Email:
FOIA@eeoc.govEEOC Training Institute (fee-based)
(703) 291-0880Fax:
(866) 446-0940TTY:
(800) 828-1120Email:
eeoc.traininginstitute@eeoc.govEmployer surveys:
EEO-1; EEO-3; EEO-4 and EEO-5
202-663-7185 Email:
e1.techassistance@eeoc.govReporting suspected fraud, waste and abuse
OIG Hotline:
inspector.general@eeoc.govAll other inquiries:
1-800-669-4000 TTY:
info@eeoc.govInspector General's Official Address
Mailing Address:
EEOC Office of Inspector General
P.O. Box 77067
Washington, DC 20013-7067
OIG Hotline Number at:
800-849-4230Fax Number:
202-663-7204Social Media Web Portal Links of EEOC
Some of the official social web pages like Facebook, Twitter of EEOC are listed below:-
EEOC Facebook Page Profile Link
EEOC Twitter Account Profile Link