Contact Cosmopolitan USA
For your convenience to contact Cosmopolitan USA We have provided all possible information of Cosmopolitan USA. You can contact Cosmopolitan USA on the given phone number 1-800-888-2676. To know the address location of Cosmopolitan USA it is also presented here Post Box 7162, Red Oak, Iowa, 51591 United States. Contact them by sending email to Cosmopolitan USA you will find an email address here / To know more about Cosmopolitan USA, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Cosmopolitan USA, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Cosmopolitan USA is Associated With and Known as:
Cosmopolitan is an International and lifestyle monthly magazine. Cosmopolitan magazine was first published in 1886 in the United States as a family magazine. Cosmopolitan has 64 international versions, is printed in 35 different languages and is allocated in more than 100 nations. In its earlier time, The Cosmopolitan magazine was publicized as a woman’s fashion and style magazine which contain scripture on the household, family, and cooking, but also involved articles like “Some Examples of Recent Art” and “The Progress of Science.” The magazine, and in an accurate its wrap stories, have become accrescent sexually explicit in note. Cosmopolitan has 64 international editions internationally.
Postal Address of Cosmopolitan USA
In order to send the posts to the corporate office of the Cosmopolitan USA, the user can use the below mentioned address as:
P.O. Box 6000
Harlan, IA 51593
COScustserv@cdsfulfillment.comAddress of Editorial Office
The customers can also send their mails to the office of the editorial which is located at:
Editorial Offices
300 West 57th St.
38th Floor
New York, NY 10019.
Email: for Advertisement
The customers can also contact the below mentioned person for the inquiries of the advertisements which is as:
Karen Deutsh (Advertising Director):
212 649 3298Email:
kduetsch@hearst.comCareer Link Of Cosmopolitan USA
In order to work with the team of the Cosmopolitan USA, the interested persons can apply on the below mentioned career link of Cosmopolitan USA as: Media Networking Websites of Cosmopolitan USA
Cosmopolitan USA on Facebook Link
Cosmopolitan USA on Twitter Link