Contact Consolidated Communications Contact
For your convenience to contact Consolidated Communications Contact We have provided all possible information of Consolidated Communications Contact. You can contact Consolidated Communications Contact on the given phone number +1- 217-235-3311. To know the address location of Consolidated Communications Contact it is also presented here 121 South 17th Street, Mattoon, Illinois, USA. Contact them by sending email to Consolidated Communications Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about Consolidated Communications Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Consolidated Communications Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Consolidated Communications is an American Telecom service provider spanning six states California, Missouri, Texas, Kansas, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. The services and products of the company include Internet, TV, VoIP, and voice to the residential and business customers. It is based in Matton, Illinois, USA and listed on Nasdaq as CNSL. The company has employed over 2000 people in various telecom services and operations across its serving territories. On the other hand, Consolidated Communications is the retailer of various telecom equipment.
Consolidated Communications has more than 123,000 subscribers, 2,55,000 internet connections and 111,000 video customers. The company operates through over 250 access line.
Consolidated Communications has launched TV Everywhere to provide content services at home or away on PC, TV or Mobile phone. Its TV programs are also available in HD format. Under its calling services, the company has introduced various plans and facilities like caller ID, call waiting and call forwarding.
Specialties of Consolidated Communications
Consolidated Communications is considered as one of the notable telecommunication platform for the domestic and International customers. They have got a wide range of services in the business market to satisfy the needs of its customers based at different locations. Here are some of the service offerings of Consolidated Communications:
- Telecommunications
- Data and High-Speed Internet
- Voice and VoIP
- Managed and Hosted Services
- Cloud Services
- Equipment Solutions
- Cisco Gold Partnership
- Fiber
- Carrier Services
- Digital TV
- Home Automation and Home Security