Coney Island is Associated With and Known as:
Coney Island was introduced by Costa Mantis in 1980. Coney Island is a non profitable charity based beach specially designed to entertain people. It is a beautiful Island located on The Atlantic Ocean. The area covered by Coney Island is approximately (0.6910000 sq m). In coming years, Coney Island is going to expand their area space.
Rides at Coney Island:
The ground at Coney Island consists of rides and games to GAIN attention of Customers. This park is owned by some Companies autonomously. Three rides are very famous at Coney Island listed below:
1.Wonder Wheel: was established in 1918 but was started in 1920.
2. Parachute Jump: This was the first jumping ride and is mostly used by customers.
3. Haunted houses: Two famous dark houses
Spook-a-Rama and
Ghost Holeentertaining customers at Coney Island.
Mermaid Parade Packages Available at Coney Island
1. Registration of one commercial float or marching group in the parade
2. Listing on all advertising, media, and printed materials as sponsor
3. Logo and web link on Coney Island USA website Listed on Sponsor Banner
4. Company Banner at Mermaid Parade Ball Additional Banner Space at Mermaid Parade
5. VIP Table Gala
6. VIP Passes Mermaid Parade Ball
7. Recognition at Awards Presentation VIP Gift Bags
8. Custom original helium balloon designed for sponsor to be exclusively marched in the Mermaid Parade
9. Logo on all printed materials, including Mermaid Parade poster
10. Large-sized logo on all printed materials, including Mermaid Parade poster.
To See more visit the link given below: Customer can easily know about the event details at Coney by using the link given below: Coney Island can be Visited on different social networking sites: Facebook link of Coney Island
Twitter link of Coney Island