Cleveland Illuminating Company is Associated With and Known as:
Cleveland Illuminating Company is mainly termed as The Illuminating Company, one of the ten regulated distribution companies of FirstEnergy Corporation, a power utility service provider company. The Illuminating company is based on Ohio and committed to provide the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity to residential, commercial and industrial customers.
Coming to FirstEnergy Corporation
FirstEnergy Corporation is a US based electric utility solutions provider that commonly conducts its operations in six states namely Marland, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, New York and Pennsylvania. The utility service provider company is involved in the generation, distribution and transmission of electricity and considered a major investor-owned utility company in the United States. In terms of report March 2015, the company has a client base of approximately six million subscribers.
Journey and Subordinate Brands of FirstEnergy Corporation
FirstEnergy Corporation came into existence in 1997 after the amalgamation of two companies, i.e. Centerior Energy Corporation and Ohio Edison Company and presently, it has sustained a strong position among its country's competitors. According to base of customers, it is considered one of the premier electric utility service providers. The company has ten subordinate divisions, which are performing under its command namely Ohio Edison, Toledo Edison, Penelec, Met-Ed, Jersey Central Power and Light, Monpower, Potomac Edison, The Illuminating Company, etc. Besides this, the company has received numerous awards along-with accolades for their comprehensive range of services and good customer support service. In the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), it is registered under the ticker symbol "FE" while also a part of Standard and Poor's 500.
Contact Us link of FirstEnergy Corporation this link, the user can touch with the company after filling the contact us form for general inquiries only.
FirstEnergy Contact Center whole contact details of FirstEnergy is available at this link.