Contact Canara Bank Chandigarh Contact
For your convenience to contact Canara Bank Chandigarh Contact We have provided all possible information of Canara Bank Chandigarh Contact. You can contact Canara Bank Chandigarh Contact on the given phone number 0172 270 1699. To know the address location of Canara Bank Chandigarh Contact it is also presented here SCO. 117-119, Sector-17C Chandigarh, India. Contact them by sending email to Canara Bank Chandigarh Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about Canara Bank Chandigarh Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Canara Bank Chandigarh Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Canara Bank Chandigarh is a regional business network of Canara Bank, which is a public banking and financial service provider company serving affordable and high-quality financial solutions to local customers including business, individual, corporate and government and educational institutions. It was founded in the year 1906 as Canara Bank Hindu Permanent Fund. The name was changed to Canara Bank Ltd., in the year 2010 and later the name was again modified to Canara Bank in the year 1969, when it was nationalized by the government of India. The founder of the bank was Ammembal Subbarao Pai. The headquarters of the bank is situated in Bangalore, Karnataka, India. The main products contained in the product line of the company are credit cards, investment banking, mortgages, consumer banking, pensions, commercial banking, asset management, retail banking and private banking. The total count of the employees of the company as of 2012 was approximately 44,090. The company is registered on the Bombay Stock Exchange as well as the National Stock Exchange for public trading.
Canara Bank Description
Canara Bank is regarded as the largest banking and financial institution of the country and is also considered one of the banks owned by the Indian government. It offers a wide range of banking and financial products and services to the customers that include corporate banking, personal banking, online banking, priority and SME banking products and services. The bank also serves internationally in many countries like Dubai, London, New York, Moscow, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Doha. There are about 5,111 branch offices of the bank and has more than 6500 ATMs. Moreover, the bank also offers the facility of Mobile banking and Internet banking to the customers with the help of its official online website The customers can transfer funds, apply for loan, manage accounts, view transactions, etc. through the website of the bank.