CA DMV is Associated With and Known as:
The California Department of Motor Vehicles is the state agency that registers motor vehicles and boats in California. California Department of Motor Vehicles issues the driving license of the people of the California. The department follows all the rules and regulation which is prescribed by the government of the State, while issue a driving license. The agency provides the full information related to apply for driving license i.e. Application Checklists, Application Requirements, and Identification Cards, Renewal, Duplicate, and Changes, Commercial Driver License, Senior Drivers, Teen Drivers, Driver License Fees, Written Test, Drive Test, Dmv Publications, Driver License Forms, Driver Safety Information. The agency also regulates new car dealers, commercial Cargo carriers, private driving schools, and private traffic schools. The brand is the part of California State Transportation Agency.
History of CA DMV
The California State authorized California cities and counties to issue licenses for operation of many types of wheeled vehicles. In 1905 the government of the states decided that, drivers must be in the dress while driving. In 1913, the responsible for registrations of the vehicle. In licensees for drivers of motor vehicles became mandatory in California on. The first Department of Motor Vehicles was established by the Vehicle Act of 1915. In 1929, the Division was transferred to the Department of Public Works or motor vehicle theft, vehicle or hull identification number and odometer fraud, chop shops, counterfeit or fraudulent DMV documents, disabled parking permit placard misuse, Identity theft, unlicensed vehicle dealer out of state vehicle registration plate misuse to avoid California registration and internal employee investigations..