Contact BSNL Thiruvananthapuram
For your convenience to contact BSNL Thiruvananthapuram We have provided all possible information of BSNL Thiruvananthapuram. You can contact BSNL Thiruvananthapuram on the given phone number +91-471-2333692. To know the address location of BSNL Thiruvananthapuram it is also presented here CTO Building, Opp Kerala State Secretariat, Statue Junction, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. Contact them by sending email to BSNL Thiruvananthapuram you will find an email address here . To know more about BSNL Thiruvananthapuram, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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BSNL Thiruvananthapuram is Associated With and Known as:
BSNL Thiruvananthapuram is the Bsnl service location in Kerala state of India. BSNL operates eighteen customer care centers in Thiruvananthapuram city, making it main service provider for all neighboring cities. The headquarters of the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (abbreviated BSNL) is located in Bharat Sanchar Bhavan, Harish Chandra Mathur Lane, Janpath New Delhi-110 001.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. was founded on 15th of September 2000 as Department of Telecommunications and was commenced in operations on 1st of October 2000. BSNL was first service provider Telecom services and network management in the whole country. The business was undertaken from central Government Departments of Telecom Services (DTS) and Departments of Telecom Operations (DTO).
Operations of Telecommunications
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is the backbone of the telecommunication industry of India that has earned Revenue of INR 271.29 billion in 2013 and employs more than 2,44,800 employees in the same year. According to records of 2014, BSNL operates almost 43.74 million telephone lines, 72.60 million GSM subscribers, 37,885 telephone exchanges, 12,071 CDMA towers, 197 satellite stations that connect 623 districts and 5.8 lakhs villages.
BSNL provides an array of telecom services in whole country and has branches in all regions across India. BSNL services include Landline, Mobile, Broadband and enterprise services. In Landline it provides BSNL landline, telephone facilities, BSNL PCO and ISDN/DialUp internet. Broadband covers landline broadband, Mobile broadband (3G), dial up internet, and fiber broadband. Mobile services include GSM/2G, GSM/3G, CDMA mobile and CDMA fixed. Enterprise services are specially designed for corporate world or business; it includes enterprise voice, enterprise mobility, and enterprise broadband and managed services.
Operational hours of Customer care
Operational hours of this customer care center starts from Monday to Saturday at 08:00AM to 08:00PM. Sunday closed.