BSNL Panchkula is Associated With and Known as:
BSNL is called as Bharat Sanchar Nigam limited. BSNL is a significant company that provides GSM and CDMA mobile services. It is the leading telecommunication company in India. The company also provides prepaid and postpaid services. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited provides fixed line and mobile telephony, internet services, digital television. BSNL is one of the largest and leading public sector companies. The company providing extensive range of telecom services for the past many years. The company also provides broadband services and other useful services for users. The company also offer different range of tablet which include Bsnl Penta Tpad WS802C, BSNL Penta IS709C, BSNL Lofty Tab TZ-300, Bsnl Penta Tablet 703C, BSNL PENTA TPAD IS701C, Bsnl Penta IS801C, BSNL Penta WS704C.
Contact Address of BSNL Panchkula
The subscribers can get the services and products of
BSNL Panchkula on the mentioned address or can make a simple call on the offered numbers as:
Telephone Exchange Building,
Panchkula, Haryana, India
1800-111-233 / 011-45092300 / 011-45092311Headquarters Of BSNL Noida
BSNL Noida is headquartered at the rendered address. The users can also use the given numbers in order to get the quick response during their queries which includes as:
Bharat Sanchar Bhavan
Harish Chandra Mathur Lane
Janpath, New Delhi-110 001
Corporate identity Number
U74899DL2000GOI107739 Telephone:
1500 / 1800-345-1500 / 1503Service Numbers of BSNL Panchkula
In order to get toll free services of the
BSNL Panchkula, the subscribers can dial the rendered numbers which includes as:
- For Broadband Services: 1500 / 1800-345-1500.
- For CDMA & WiMAX Services: 1502 / 1800-180-1502.
- For GSM Mobile Services: 1503 / 1800-180-1503.
- For Broadband and Internet Services: 1504 / 1800-345-1504.
- For Blackberry Services: 1505 / 1800-180-1505.
- For MPLS and other Data Services: 1800-425-1957.
Contact Persons of BSNL Panchkula
The users can contact the staff members of
BSNL Panchkula in order to get the info regarding the services which includes as:
Alpana AggarwalTelephone:
Arun Aggarwal
Email: SinghTelephone:
2642000Email: P GuptaTelephone:
2601500Email: Sudhir ChadhaTelephone:
2601576 Fax: