Contact Blue Star Chandigarh
For your convenience to contact Blue Star Chandigarh We have provided all possible information of Blue Star Chandigarh. You can contact Blue Star Chandigarh on the given phone number +91-22-6654 4000 / 098 15 619600. To know the address location of Blue Star Chandigarh it is also presented here Plot no 93 Industrial Area Phase 2, Chandigarh, 160015, India. Contact them by sending email to Blue Star Chandigarh you will find an email address here . To know more about Blue Star Chandigarh, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Blue Star Chandigarh, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Blue Star Chandigarh is Associated With and Known as:
Blue Star Chandigarh provides an extensive variety of modern window and split AC. The company also produces and markets a extensive variety of industrial fridge items and solutions that serve to the commercial, professional and kindness areas. These consists of water coolers, deep freezers, bottle coolers, supermarket fridge items and many other products. The company has enterprise alliances with Globe well known technology management like Rheem Manufacturing Company of United States, Eaton-Williams of United Kingdom, Jeol of Japan and many others, to provide excellent items and options to clients. Blue Star Chandigarh has production features at Dadra, Himachal, Ahmedabad along with some other, which utilize outstanding production devices.
Blue Star Chandigarh in an electronic corporation supervised to flourish customer with climate changing equipments. Blue Star Chandigarh is responsible for manufacturing notable products designed to serve conveniences at widen platform and comprehensively available at reasonable cost.
Contacting of Blue Star Chandigarh
Customers are exclusively prescribed a path to interact with the customers representatives, capable to delight customers with decisive information via:
- Customer Care Support: Call +91-22-6654 4000 (Board Line)
- Fax: +91-22-6654 4001
- For Queries: Call
Blue Star Chandigarh Services and Facilities
Blue Star Chandigarh is potent in manufacturing electronic tools and conventionally offers boundless tools while keeping the consideration of budget. However, the institution is offering legitimate products such as:
- Medical Electronics Equipments
- Heaters
- Water Purifiers
- Industrial Products
- Steam
- Accessories
In addition to this, the enterprise offers one year warranty service on each product. However, the requires very less energy to perform the designed task and can be installed within less space. Moreover, the products are very elegantly designed and customers are promoted to shop online via: dwindle the ratio of unemployment, the enterprise offers exclusive career opportunities for applicants via: