Contact Blackberry Tamil Nadu
For your convenience to contact Blackberry Tamil Nadu We have provided all possible information of Blackberry Tamil Nadu. You can contact Blackberry Tamil Nadu on the given phone number 090940 14464. To know the address location of Blackberry Tamil Nadu it is also presented here Shop No:13, Ground Floor, APEX Plaza, , 3, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, , Opp: Ispahani Center & Income Tax Office, Konica Lab Building, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600034. Contact them by sending email to Blackberry Tamil Nadu you will find an email address here . To know more about Blackberry Tamil Nadu, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Blackberry Tamil Nadu, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Blackberry Tamil Nadu is Associated With and Known as:
Blackberry Tamil Nadu is one the subsidiaries of Blackberry Company which is located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and is one of the leading smart-phone and tablet products manufacturer in the world. Basically, Blackberry Limited is the telecommunication and wireless tools manufacturer, and retails its wide collection of smart-phone and tablets under the “BlackBerry” brand name. In the past time, the company was known as Research In Motion Limited (RIM), and launched its first device “email pager” in the 1999 year.
BlackBerry India Products
BlackBerry has produced several Smart phones in the market namely
- BlackBerry Z30
- BlackBerry Z10
- BlackBerry Q10
- BlackBerry Q5
- P'9982 BlackBerry, etc.
while in accessories it provides Smartphone accessories, Tablet accessories and Built for Blackberry accessories. Moreover, it also provides free application services.
BlackBerry Head-office Address
The corporate administrator office of the BlackBerry Limited Company is located in
BlackBerry B, 2200 University Avenue E,
Waterloo, Ontario, N2K 0A7, Canada. BlackBerry Head-office Customer Care Number
The customers can contact BlackBerry head-office through customer care number
+1-(519)-888-7465 for their queries of for any technical assistance related to the company's devices.
BlackBerry India Social Media Links
The customer can subscribe to the given below Blackberry India social media links for latest company's technology, and for other information. The BlackBerry India social media profile links are given below:
BlackBerry India Facebook Page:
BlackBerry India Twitter Page: