Contact Bharat Gas Gurgaon Contact
For your convenience to contact Bharat Gas Gurgaon Contact We have provided all possible information of Bharat Gas Gurgaon Contact. You can contact Bharat Gas Gurgaon Contact on the given phone number 1800 22 2725. To know the address location of Bharat Gas Gurgaon Contact it is also presented here Sector 27 Gurgaon, Haryana, India. Contact them by sending email to Bharat Gas Gurgaon Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about Bharat Gas Gurgaon Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Bharat Gas Gurgaon Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Bharat Gas Gurgaon is the branch offices of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited that is the provider of oil and gas services. The company is owned by the government of India. It was established in 1976 with the acquisition of Burmah Shell. It was formed as Bharat Refineries Limited and renamed as Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited on 1st of August 1977. It has a fleet of Rural Marketing Vehicles to deliver the services in various areas according to the distributors’ network.
Company Products and Services
The company launched value added services LPG to sell the home appliances at an affordable Price through the distribution network. The company has its headquarters at Bharat Bhavan II, 5th Floor, 4 and 6 Currimbhoy Road, Ballard Estate, Mumbai, India. Bharat Gas Company is a publicly traded on the National stock exchange and Bombay stock exchange under the named of BPCL. The company provides Booking services to refill the cylinder through SMS using mobile phone.
Awards and Workforce
The company was rewarded with various awards such as Best managed plant Award, The Oil Industry Safety Awards, Greentech environment excellence silver Award, National Safety Council of India Safety Award, Customer Choice Award, Maharashtra Nsc Safety Award, etc. According to the record of 2012, the company had employed with 14,154 employees.
Bharat Petroleum gas company operates several refineries such as Mumbai Refinery that has a capacity of 12 million metric tonnes annually, Bina Refineries, kochi Refineries and Numaligarh refinery that has a capacity of 9.5 million metric tonnes per year.