Contact Bharat Gas Durgapur Contact
For your convenience to contact Bharat Gas Durgapur Contact We have provided all possible information of Bharat Gas Durgapur Contact. You can contact Bharat Gas Durgapur Contact on the given phone number 0341 266 9300, 18002333555. To know the address location of Bharat Gas Durgapur Contact it is also presented here Bahula, West Bengal 713322 India. Contact them by sending email to Bharat Gas Durgapur Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about Bharat Gas Durgapur Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Bharat Gas Durgapur Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Bharat Gas Durgapur is a regional office of Bharat Gas which provides gas services to approximately thirty million customers. Bharat Gas was established in the year 1955 under the guidance of Burmah Shell. The initial name of Bharat Gas was Burshane. The parent company of Bharat Gas is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, which is an oil and gas provider private company, owned by the Government of India. The headquarters of the company is situated in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The company offers domestic fuel called LPG to the customers. The company was nationalized by Government of India to become Bharat Petroleum. The business of Bharat Gas is organized into four different segments namely Auto LPG, Bharat Metal Cutting Gas, Industrial LPG and Piped LPG. Bharat Gas operates a large network of branch offices in several different states of India such as Haryana, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Chhatisgarh, Orissa, Goa, Gujarat, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, etc.
Bharat Gas is regarded as one of the largest domestic, corporate and industrial LPG providers in India. Moreover, the company also provides services through Mobile and official webportal named that allows customers to book gas online. Bharat Gas operates nearly forty nine filling operations and the total count of the employees of the company as of 2012 was approximately 14,154. The company is registered on the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange for public trading. There are several different awards received by Bharat Gas such as Maharashtra Nsc Safety Award, Customer Choice Award, Best managed plant Award, The Best Industrial Unit of Mewar Region, The Oil Industry Safety Awards, etc.