Contact BGE
For your convenience to contact BGE We have provided all possible information of BGE. You can contact BGE on the given phone number 800.685.0123. To know the address location of BGE it is also presented here P.O. Box 1475 Baltimore, MD 21203. Contact them by sending email to BGE you will find an email address here To know more about BGE, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against BGE, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
BGE is Associated With and Known as:
BGE is a largest producer Company of Gas and electricity. The main office of BGE is located at Baltimore. BGS gives electricity to More Than one million Customers and gas to approximately 600,000 Customers. BGE Company has more than 3000 employees who are trusted for the safe and
fast delivery of gas and power.
Services Offered by BGE
Residential services: Those members who want to
start a service of BGE, are supposed to fill the form. To fill the form Customers can visit the link given below:
Those customers who want to stop an existing service can click on the link given below and fill all the information needed. Service charges are not refundable.
Commercial services:: Same Services are also available for Commercial users. Commercial users can get these services by filling the information in the form provided below: Energy using BGE
Gas and Electricity chargers are increasing day by day. Customers need to save energy to save money. Saving Energy is not difficult at all. Customers should know about the efficiency of the electronic equipments they are using in their day to day lives. Customer should have the knowledge about how they can save energy. If they start changing their lifestyle they can easily save energy and money. Customers who want to know more about saving of energy can visit the link given below: Can also Contact BGE on Different Social Networking Sites
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