Contact BF3
For your convenience to contact BF3 We have provided all possible information of BF3. You can contact BF3 on the given phone number 650-628-1905, 650-628-4322, 866-543-5435. To know the address location of BF3 it is also presented here 209, Redwood Shores, Redwood City, California. Contact them by sending email to BF3 you will find an email address here, To know more about BF3, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against BF3, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
BF3 is Associated With and Known as:
BF3 or Battlefield 3 is video game developed by EA Digital Illusions. The Game is provided by Electronic Arts. It is part of chain of Battlefield series games. It was introduced in North America in October 2011 for Windows, PlayStation 3 and other operating systems. BF3 had sold 5000000 copies in its 1st week of introduction and received most game reviews. The game does not support the earlier version of Windows than Windows Vista. Its player has various military role F18 weapons system officer, Spetsnaz GRU operative, etc.
Ways to Contact BF3 Game Support Center
BF3 Support Location
BF3 has opened game support centers in many countries. The United States users can get support from California office, located at 209, Redwood Shores, Redwood City.
BF3 Customer Support Numbers
Electronic Arts offers various contact numbers to the users. Some of them are 650-628-1905, 650-628-4322, 866-543-5435, +1(650)-628-1393, +1(650)-628-1422.
BF3 Email Id
The Company offers various email ids to the customers, residing across the world. The Customers can send their issues and problems on following email ids: and
Webportal of BF3
Webportal of Battlefield 3 is Game lovers can find various latest updates on the website of the game.
BF3 Social Media accounts
Addition to these, users can find BF3 at social media accounts of EA. Some of them are given below:
BF3 Facebook Account
BF3 game lovers can follow the game on Ea facebook account. Its facebook can be reached through link.
BF3 Twitter Account
BF3 twitter can reached VIA the mean of given link: It is official twitter account of Electronic Arts.
Important links for Battlefield 3
Users can enjoy various online facilities offered by the Electronic Arts. On our website, we bring direct links of that facilities.
BF3 Online Service Update
Users can find all the service updates on the following link:
BF3 Online Forums On the given link, customers can find Three forums related to Battlefield game along with other EA forums. These three Battlefield game forums are Battlelog Forums (BF3), Battlefield Play4Free and Battlefield Heroes.