BCBS Rochester New York is Associated With and Known as:
BCBS Rochester New York is one of the service locations operated by Excellus BlueCross Blueshield (formerly as BlueCross BlueShield of Central New York). BCBS Rochester New York provides several types of health insurance plans and Benefits as medicare, individuals and family, and business plans. Excellus BlueCross BlueShield operated as the group company of Blue Cross Blue Shield Association that came into existence in 1932.
Customer Service Numbers of BCBS Rochester New York
The customer support help desk department of BCBS Rochester New York allows their customers to reach by phone, and email.
For Prescription Drug related any type of question, you can contact with the Pharmacy Help Desk, by calling at
If you have claims, plans or benefits related question, so dial the following numbers:
+1-877-883-9577, for Medicare Members
+1-800-499-1275, for Other Members
If you have any type of technical issue with website, and want to reset password, so contact with the Web Help Desk at
+1-800-421-1220, this number is for hearing inspired customers.
Contact BCBS Rochester New York by Mail: For Claims, and Membership Enrollment forms, you can send letter to Excellus BlueCross BlueShield at P.O. Box 22999, Rochester, NY 14692, USA.
Locations of Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
In addition to office in Rochester, Excellus Bcbs has two other main offices located as:
Excellus BCBS Office in Syracuse New York333 Butternut Drive, Syracuse, NY 13214-1803, USA
Excellus BCBS Office in Utica NY: Utica Business Park, 12 Rhoads Drive, Utica, NY 13502, USA.
To find out nearest doctor, hospitals, dentists, urgent care centers, providers, and brokers in New York, visit at the following link:
www.excellusbcbs.com/wps/portal/xl/mbr/fnd/doctor/Social Links to Follow BCBS Rochester New York
Follow it on social sites through the following profiles: