Bank Permata Contact is Associated With and Known as:
PermataBank also known as Bank Permata is a public banking and financial service provider company. It was founded in the year 2002. The headquarters of the company is situated in Jakarta, Indonesia. The several predecessors of the company are PT Bank Patriot, PT Bank Bali Tbk, PT Bank Artamedia, PT Bank Universal Tbk and PT Bank Prima Express. The parent companies of PermataBank are Standard Chartered Bank and Astra International which overtook the bank in the year 2004. Some of the main subsidiaries of the company are Lintasarta, PT Asuransi Permata, PT Aplikanusa, Nipponkoa Indonesia, Indonesia, PT Sarana Bali, Pembiayaan, Ventura, PT Sarana Bersama, PT Kustodian Sentral and Efek Indonesia.
The products of the company are served through about 522 offices which are established within Indonesia only. The product line of the company mainly consists of the products such as Private Banking, Consumer Banking, Mortgage loans, Corporate Banking, Investment Banking and Credit Cards. The bank has also established over 549 ATMs in about 55 cities of the country to serve its customers.
As of 2010, PermataBank was regarded as the tenth largest bank of Indonesia. The company was actually founded on December 17, 1954 as PT Bank Permata Tbk which was officially known as PT Bank Bali Tbk and started operating on January 5, 1955. Later it was in the year 2002 that Due to the combining of five different banks under the Indonesian Banking Restructuring Agency (IBRA), the PermataBank was established and the name of the bank was changed from PT Bank Bali Tbk to PT Bank Permata Tbk (Permata Bank), with the approval of Bank Indonesia.