Contact Bajaj Allianz Chandigarh Contact
For your convenience to contact Bajaj Allianz Chandigarh Contact We have provided all possible information of Bajaj Allianz Chandigarh Contact. You can contact Bajaj Allianz Chandigarh Contact on the given phone number +91-172-4692800, Toll Free: 1800-209-0144, 1800-209-5858. To know the address location of Bajaj Allianz Chandigarh Contact it is also presented here Sco-139-140, 1st Floor, Chandigarh Sector 8c, Chandigarh - 160009, India. Contact them by sending email to Bajaj Allianz Chandigarh Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about Bajaj Allianz Chandigarh Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Bajaj Allianz Chandigarh Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Bajaj Allianz Chandigarh is one of the offices of "Bajaj Allianz" an Indian insurance service company in the city of Chandigarh. It is active in offering insurance services of various types such as general insurance, life insurance, health insurance, auto insurance, home insurance and others. Bajaj Allianz is having a large network of branch offices throughout the country and also sell their products through independent insurance agents.
Bajaj Allianz group has divided its business into two business segments which are general insurance and life insurance. For controlling these two business segments, the group had two different companies named as "Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Limited" and "Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited". Bajaj Allianz group was created through the merger of two companies named as Bajaj Finserv Limited, an Indian financial service company and Allianz, a German multinational financial services company. The company offer different type of plans in their insurance services that are categorized as term plans, women insurance plans, traditional plans, unit linked insurance plans or ULIPs and many others.
The quality of services earned the company many awards and accolades. Many among those are "Best Life Insurance Company in Private Sector" at the LOKMAT BFSI Awards 2014, SKOCH Financial Inclusion & Deepening Award 2014, SKOCH Financial Inclusion-Organization of the Year 2013, Best Life Insurance Provider (Runner-up) at the Outlook Money Award 2012, etc.