Contact AVG
For your convenience to contact AVG We have provided all possible information of AVG. You can contact AVG on the given phone number +31(0)-2052-26210. To know the address location of AVG it is also presented here AVG Technologies NV, Gatwickstraat 9-39, AMSTERDAM1043 GL, Netherlands. Contact them by sending email to AVG you will find an email address here, To know more about AVG, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against AVG, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
AVG is Associated With and Known as:
The AVG Technologies Private Limited is a Czech software company founded by Jan Gritzbach and Tomas Hofar in the year 1991 and setup its corporate headquarters in the Amsterdam region of the Netherlands. It mainly creates and sells antivirus products and Internet security products worldwide. According to company records, AVG provides software products to more than 188 million active clients. Avg Antivirus is a computer security product developed by AVG Technologies Private Limited, which is a Dutch company. The company released its principal version of antivirus in 1992 in Czechoslovakia. AVG Antivirus supports Windows desktop clients, server workstations, Mobile platforms and Multimi projects. Furthermore, AVG Antivirus empowers customers with state-of-the-art technical specifications like LinkScanner and related concerns, Internet security and device protection. Globally, AVG Technologies operates fourteen corporate branches and employs over one thousand professionals.
The product portfolio of the company is based upon Three key identical points as Protection, Performance and Privacy and these products can be compatible with multiple platforms and devices like PC, MAC, iPhone, Android smartphones, Windows phones, etc.
AVG Product Range and Business Portfolio
AVG mainly operates as a leading developer and supplier of security software and related mobile APPs for a number of platforms and different types of users. This company product lines carries, home security products, business security products and mobile security products. According to the records of 2013, the company had approximately sixteen million subscription users and seventy million mobile users. This is a global software solution company, which operates it's full-service network in nearly 185 countries across the world. AVG Antivirus suite prevents users from receiving or unintentionally spreading viruses and other threats, protects from spyware, adware, rootkits and fake anti-virus and scans files for viruses before downloading and sharing, checks links exchanged on social networks for viruses and checks Web pages in real-time with AVG LinkScanner. AVG Technologies provides antivirus updates and trial versions and paid version on the corporate website of the company.
AVG Technologies Corporate Office Address:
AVG Technologies NV,
Gatwickstraat 9-39, AMSTERDAM1043 GL, Netherlands.
AVG support helpline for global sales and, refunds and licensing issues is:
For any technical inquiry and to contact customer service phone number of AVG use:
For corporate headquarters inquiries:
For the USA customers,
AVG customer service phone number is:
+1-415-371-2000, +1-855-261-6192.
For European customers:
AVG Email Support:
To send Email to company representatives use:
For general inquiries:
avg@avg.comFor investment relationships:
ir@avg.comWeb portal of AVG Technologies:
The official corporate website for online operations use:
www.avg.comTo interact with AVG on social media:
For official blogs of the company
For Facebook users:
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