Contact Arrow Global Contact
For your convenience to contact Arrow Global Contact We have provided all possible information of Arrow Global Contact. You can contact Arrow Global Contact on the given phone number +44(800)-130-0169. To know the address location of Arrow Global Contact it is also presented here PO Box 5469, Manchester M61 0LW United Kingdom. Contact them by sending email to Arrow Global Contact you will find an email address here . To know more about Arrow Global Contact, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
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Arrow Global Contact is Associated With and Known as:
Arrow Global is one of the United Kingdom's leading companies that provide debt purchase and receivables management solutions to the several financial service providers, businesses, merchants and governments. The company processed several credit cards like Visa cards, master cards, American express, JCB cards and more. It offers processing checking and fraud protection facilities to their customers.
Arrow Global Group was introduced in the year 2005 as the European division of Arrow Financial Services Company. The Arrow Financial Services company was set up in the year 1961 and has its corporate headquarters in Manchester, United Kingdom. In the year 2004, the company purchased the Sallie Mae (officially known as SLM Corporation, a financial service provider) to expand its business.
Merchant Account
Merchant account is mandatory for any organization to accept the credit and debit cards either online or on location. All Electronic payments such as websites and Credit Card terminals are directly linked with the merchant account. The background processes of transaction of funds from merchant account to the customer original bank account are managed by this company.
General Inquiries Hours
The opening hours of the company's customer support center are Monday to Thursday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Friday from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The customers can also send an email on: The fax number of the Arrow Global Company is +44(845)-459-4817. For more details, the customer can visit company's official website