Contact Anthropologie
For your convenience to contact Anthropologie We have provided all possible information of Anthropologie. You can contact Anthropologie on the given phone number + 1-215-564-2313. To know the address location of Anthropologie it is also presented here 5000, Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19112, Pennsylvania, United States. Contact them by sending email to Anthropologie you will find an email address here To know more about Anthropologie, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.
If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Anthropologie, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.
Anthropologie is Associated With and Known as:
Anthropologie is an American retail chain store that offers women's apparel and accessories, gifts, decorative items and home furnishing products. The company is owned by Urban Outfitters Incorporation (UOI). Terrain, Urban Outfitters, BHLDN and Free People are the various brands included in the family of brands offered by Anthropologie.
Anthropologie Overview
Anthropologie had opened first store in the year of 1992 at Wayne, Pennsylvania in the United States. The company operates more than 147 retail chain stores in approximately 25 states in the United States. Anthropologie additionally offers online shopping facility to serve a large number of women's, and teenager girls in more than 180 nations all around the world. The headquarters of Anthropologie is situated in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the United States.
Anthropologie Corporate Office Headquarters:
5000, Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19112, Pennsylvania, United States
Anthropologie Customer Support Number:
+ 1-215-564-2313Anthropologie Official Email Id:
info@anthropologie.comAnthropologie Official Website:
www.anthropologie.comSocial Media Connections:
The company has a strong presence on different social networking websites that can be accessed by the customers for information about the products, new launches, posts, reviews, and other related information beyond the website.
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