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Contact amal jyothi college of engineering

For your convenience to contact amal jyothi college of engineering We have provided all possible information of amal jyothi college of engineering. You can contact amal jyothi college of engineering on the given phone number + 91 4828 305500 / 305555. To know the address location of amal jyothi college of engineering it is also presented here Kanjirappally, Koovappally P.O. Kottayam Dt., Kerala, India. Contact them by sending email to amal jyothi college of engineering you will find an email address here, To know more about amal jyothi college of engineering, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.

If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against amal jyothi college of engineering, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.

Visit amal jyothi college of engineering on the Given Address:

Kanjirappally, Koovappally P.O. Kottayam Dt., Kerala, India

Contact amal jyothi college of engineering on the Given Contact Number:

+ 91 4828 305500 / 305555.
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amal jyothi college of engineering is Associated With and Known as:

Amal Jyothi college of engineering (AJCE) is a Kerala based engineering college located in Kanjirappally. It was founded in the year 2001 and is affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala as well as AICTE approved. Amal Jyothi college of engineering comprises of two campuses with a capacity for 2200 plus inmates. The college offers various B.Tech and M.Tech courses as well as MCA program. Some of the disciplines available in Amal Jyothi college of engineering are Automobile Engineering Chemical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Civil Engineering, Information Technology and Electronics and Communication Engineering. Some of the facilities available in the college are hostels, library, lecture halls, conference halls and health club. Various arts and sports activities are also carried out in the college. For admissions mail at

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