Albert Hall Phone Number Albert Hall Contact Number Albert Hall Toll free number Albert Hall Email Address Albert Hall Customer Service Phone Number

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Contact Albert Hall

For your convenience to contact Albert Hall We have provided all possible information of Albert Hall. You can contact Albert Hall on the given phone number 0141-5190428/ 429/ 430. To know the address location of Albert Hall it is also presented here Albert Hall, Ram Niwas Garden, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.. Contact them by sending email to Albert Hall you will find an email address here To know more about Albert Hall, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.

If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Albert Hall, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.

Visit Albert Hall on the Given Address:

Albert Hall, Ram Niwas Garden, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Contact Albert Hall on the Given Contact Number:

0141-5190428/ 429/ 430.
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Send Albert Hall Email on given Email Address:

Open Albert Hall Website by given Website Address:

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Albert Hall is Associated With and Known as:

Albert Hall Museum, as recognized one of the legendary and eminent museum opened its doors in Jaipur city of India. Albert Hall Museum is the most attractive and ancient venture reflects billion of visitors worldwide. The infrastructure of Albert Hall Museum is quite distinctive and enthralled and attracts limitless people vigorously and construct the building with leading engineers and architectures. A building is fully occupied with captivate objects of historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interest are stored and exhibited. The structure of Albert Hall architecture under the excellent supervision of Sir Samuel Swinton Jacob, administrated by Mir Tujumool Hoosein, and traced its roots in the year of 1887. Albert Hall Museum is also known by the latest name of Government Central Museum. Maharaja Ram Singh primarily wished this premises to become a city hall, but his predecessors namely Madho Singh II, convicted it must be an adorable museum creating one of the traditional resort of Jaipur city encompasses a section of the advanced Ram Nivas Garden. The Albert Hall museum is renowned for its royal trend and reinforced materiel and fully equipped with enchanting metal sculptures, paintings, carpets, ivory, stone, multiple color crystal works etc.

Keep In Touch With Albert Hall

Albert Hall Museum members is keen to listen clients comments and feedback as they ensure procured remarkable performance. To render instant and prompt customer support is the innate wisdom of individuals served within the Museum and potency to make their guests and tourists happy and satisfied.
Offices Telephone Numbers
Deputy Director Office 0141-5190406
Store Office 0141-5190429
Booking Office 0141-5190430
Director, Department of Archaeology and Museums Office 0141-5190400
Head Office 0141-5190428/ 429/ 430
Superintendent Office 0141-5190428

Ticketing Information Of Albert Hall

Here we are mentioning pivotal ticketing detail highly valuable for tourists and students. While visiting Albert Hall, people need to purchase ticket for entrance and the venture introduces distinctive ticket charge for local customers, tourists and students. Provision imperative link through which people obtain accurate ticket charges which are given below:

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From Where to Get More Infomation of Albert Hall:

Search in google Albert Hall with the name Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, linkidin Pages and you will find more information on these pages. Search in google like Albert Hall Google Plus Page.

Ask Albert Hall for toll free:

When you call to Albert Hall, ask for toll free number to enjoy charge free calling.

Calling Albert Hall:

At the first step When you call to Albert Hall please do not forget to tell them that you have found their contact number on

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Albert Hall Contact number, Address, Customer Service