AA UK is Associated With and Known as:
AA UK is an operational area of the Automobile Association (The AA), is renowned in automotive services industry based in the United Kingdom. The Automobile Association was started in 1905, serving all over the nation with the workforce of over 8000 employees. The Automobile Association is a multi-award winning company that is counted among of the UK's top rated automotive services provider companies.
Products Range of AA UK
The Automobile Association deals in a variety of insurance in categories Car, Home, Travel, Motorcycle, Van, Learner driver, Holiday home, Life, animal, health, Business, etc. The driving products from AA UK includes Driving lessons, Under-17s driving experiences, Car data checks, Vehicle inspections, Tyres, Windscreen repair, Car accessories, Car batteries, Smartphone apps, Driving test books, International Driving Permit, Driver awareness courses, etc.
AA UK 24 Hours Customer Service Numbers:0800-887-766 or
0121-275-3746, for Emergency breakdown
0800-269-622 or
0292-027-1661, for Emergency Car insurance claims
0800-316-3983, for Emergency Home membership claims
The international customer for any kind of enquiries can call at +44-161-333-0004. The timings of customer service line for international customers are: Monday through Friday from 08:00 am to 08:00 pm, Saturday and Sunday from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm.
More useful customer service numbers of general enquries,
To find customer service numbers as per your needs related to breakdown services, insurance, home membership, financial services, and travel, visit at www.theaa.com/aboutaa/contact.html?ico=homepage&icl=contact_us&icc=footer#tabview%3Dtab9
For any issues, queries or feedback, you can use of contact us form available at www.theaa.com/common/contact_us_form.jsp