AA Recovery is Associated With and Known as:
AA known as Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Recovery is a program which is meant to curb the menace of alcoholism among the Citizens of United States. AA Recovery generally consists of twelve steps which helps the individuals to stop the consuming of alcohol or any kind of drug addiction. AA keeps the details of addicted persons Very confidential and no other person is allowed to share the information with others exterior to the association so that there should not be any kind harm to the dignity and reputation of a person. The members of AA Recovery program works very hard and make several efforts to educate the people about the disadvantages of drug addiction and continues to run a large number of programs such as seminars, social events etc., to spread the information about drug d-addiction.
Twelve Steps Of AA Recovery
AA Recovery Program is based on twelve steps that includes:
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AA Step 1: The first step of AA Recovery is to realizing you that you have a kind of problem related to drug addiction.
AA Step 2: Offers individuals to join the AA program in order to mobilize the habit of drug addiction related sins.
AA Step 3: Treating the people according to their respective religions and realize the person that you committed the sin.
AA Step 4: After the first Three steps, the fourth step briefs you about your past and present and provides the details of problems that you make during this period.
AA Step 5: Deliberating you that you chooses a wrong way and try to change your path to a right way.
AA Step 6: Once the individual accepted the hitch and faults in his character, the sixth step of AA Recovery prepares you to forget the past and ensuring you that it is time to change.
AA Step 7: Prepares you spiritually and faithfully.
AA Step 8: In this step AA provides you a list of persons that has been ruined by the drug addiction.
AA Step 9: Prepare you for making apology to your hitches and sins.
AA Step 10: It is a chief episode of the program that is responsible of falling a person back to drinking and is accountable to stop it.
AA Step 11: This enables the individuals to have a peaceful day.
AA Step 12: This step is to help more and more people.
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