48 is Associated With and Known as:
48 is networking centre of mobiles in Ireland devloped by Aideen Chambers under the name of 48 months. 48 months Company is meant for the youngsters which are in between the Age of 18 to 22 years. The main vision of 48 months Company is to provide all services which is desired by the youngsters. The name 48 months was given to the company because the 4 years between the age of 18 and 22 are more remarkable. These four years of the youngsters played a vital role in their lives. In these four years, the youngsters enjoy much of their time in parties, chating, internet, phones, etc.
48 months Company provide them all fun creating services on their network. 48 months Company engaged their young customers in their entertaining world. 48 months Company provide their services on the value added rates. 48 months Company provide their services when the young customer is interested. 48 months Company acts as a partner in the happiness or sadness mode of youngsters. 48 months Company provide their young customers free Sim Card services. 48 months Company also provide their customers memberships. 48 months Company provide their services online to the young customers.
Joining With 48 Company
1. The customers has to order a 48 Sim Card on the online service of 48 Company.
2. The customer has to unlock its phone because the 48 Sim Card will not function till.
3. The customer has to wait for the activation of 48 Sim Card Due to which the customer can contact with the 48 Company.
4. 48 Company will provide its membership card to the user through which it can start its 48 Sim Card service.
5. The 48 Company provides a card by which customer can recharge their 48 Sim Card directly.
Social media networking website links of 48 Company
48 Company on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/48GoConquer
48 Company on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/48goconquer
48 Company on LinkedIn http://in.linkedin.com/in/aideenchambers