3M is Associated With and Known as:
3M is a multinational science manufacturing company headquartered in Maplewood, Minnesota, U.S.A. At The Range of market 3M is a leading company. 3M provides above than 55,000 brands from health care and highway safety to office and abrasives or adhesives products. Examples of 3M products are such as abrasives, passive fire protection, adhesives, medical, dental, orthodontic, electronic circuits, optical films, electronic and car-care products. 3M have invests almost $30 billion in sales. 3M employes almost 88,000 people across the whole world. The success of 3M company begins from their capability to the technologies that they have used in their developments. 3M was formed in 1902.
Products Of 3M
3M Tapes and 3M Adhesives, Purification Products, Scotch Brite, Thinsulate, Safety Solutions of PPE, Lift Ankle Support, FUTURO, Firestop solutions, Electrical Utility Products, Nexcare, Petrifilm, Bondo, 3M Library Systems, Multimedia Projectors, Scotchlite, Steri-Strip, Tegaderm, Vikuiti, Imiquimod, Gold Privacy Filter, Hockey Grip Tape, etc are the examples of the products of 3M.
Operations Of 3M
3M operates in above than Sixty Five nations with Twenty Nine international industries and Thirty Five Laboratories. 3M 148 offices of sales at international level. All the brands of 3M are selling by distributors and retailers in above than Two hundred nations. 3m products can also be purchased through online services directly from 3m industry.
You Can also contact on Facebook e-mail id of 3M that are as follows:
https://www.facebook.com/3MGraphicsContacting Hours Of 3M are as under:
Monday - Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM.