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Contact walt anderson big 12

For your convenience to contact walt anderson big 12 We have provided all possible information of walt anderson big 12. You can contact walt anderson big 12 on the given phone number . To know the address location of walt anderson big 12 it is also presented here Sugar Land, Texas. Contact them by sending email to walt anderson big 12 you will find an email address here . To know more about walt anderson big 12, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.

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Sugar Land, Texas

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walt anderson big 12 is Associated With and Known as:

Dr. Walt Anderson is an official in the National Football League with the responsibility of enforcing the rules and maintaining the order of the game. He was born in 1952 in DeFuniak Springs, Florida. Walt Anderson has more than 10 years experience in officiating junior high and little leagues, high school and at college level. He joined the National Football League in 1996 and became the Coordinator of Football Officials for the Big 12 Conference in 2006. Walt Anderson is a Dentist by profession and holds a Doctorate of Dentistry from the University of Texas.

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Search in google walt anderson big 12 with the name Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, linkidin Pages and you will find more information on these pages. Search in google like walt anderson big 12 Google Plus Page.

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walt anderson big 12 Contact number, Address, Customer Service

I watch the Kansas State vs Stanford game last night with about 40 people and we all came to the same conclusion about the Big 12 officiating crew. We all feel that Kansas state was done a terrible Injustice by the three obvious missed calls in the end zones for pass interference. Kansas State lost the game no doubt, but those calls especially the one before the half were huge. I have watched football for years I have never seen officials miss so many calls in one game. The Big 12 officials should issue a statement about this game. If indeed we are wrong, we would like to hear from the Big 12 officials.

9/3/2016 6:35:06 PM