Revenue Canada Phone Number Revenue Canada Contact Number Revenue Canada Toll free number Revenue Canada Email Address Revenue Canada Customer Service Phone Number

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Contact Revenue Canada

For your convenience to contact Revenue Canada We have provided all possible information of Revenue Canada. You can contact Revenue Canada on the given phone number 1-855-284-5942, 1-800-267-6999. To know the address location of Revenue Canada it is also presented here 1050 Notre Dame Avenue, Sudbury Ontario P3A 5C1, Canada. Contact them by sending email to Revenue Canada you will find an email address here To know more about Revenue Canada, go to their website and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.

If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Revenue Canada, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.

Visit Revenue Canada on the Given Address:

1050 Notre Dame Avenue, Sudbury Ontario P3A 5C1, Canada

Contact Revenue Canada on the Given Contact Number:

1-855-284-5942, 1-800-267-6999.
If the contact number or email address of Revenue Canada is incorrect, please tell us HERE

Send Revenue Canada Email on given Email Address:

Open Revenue Canada Website by given Website Address:

Was your query resolved after making call or sending email to Revenue Canada, tell us HERE

Revenue Canada is Associated With and Known as:

CRA is formerly known as Canada Revenue Agency. It is the Canada Customs and revenue Agency. It is incorporate agency that offers Tex laws for the government of Canada. The company is having headquarters in Ottawa, Canada. TC is known as taxation centre. TC is help in tax returns and reviews of the returns field. Canada has 7 taxation centers such as Jonquiere, Shawinigan, and St John's, Sudbury, Summer side, surrey and Winnipeg tax center. TSOs are the field offices of the CRA. Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of CRA is Andrew Treusch. It is government owned Revenue Agency in Canada. The Agency has over 40,000 employees. CRA gathers income tax, excise tax, payroll tax, and so on.

Know More About Revenue Canada

As the leading and innovative government administration in the Canada, it has ruled the nation with the all useful and most preferred kind of amenities in the region. The administration assures the people of Canada for bringing them all the necessitate and required supports at every stage of life and at every aspect of life and the association offers a single platform, where the communities and societies can avail all the benefits provided by the administration. The federal agency cares all the essential requirements for the nation like it take the care about the provinces, territories, international business and various social and economical benefits and all other tax related programs and services.

Some Valuable Contacts Of Revenue Canada

The people of Canada can get all the valuable and innovative information about the revenue department and know more about the administration by contacting these valuable contacts.
For corporation tax debt:


Teletypewriter (TTY):




Universal child care benefit:


GST/HST credit for individualsL:


Provincial programs for Ontario:


Businesses and self-employed individuals:


Charities Client Service:


Child and family benefits overpayments:


Social Media Links Of Revenue Canada

Linkedin link of Revenue Canada

Facebook link of Revenue Canada

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From Where to Get More Infomation of Revenue Canada:

Search in google Revenue Canada with the name Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, linkidin Pages and you will find more information on these pages. Search in google like Revenue Canada Google Plus Page.

Ask Revenue Canada for toll free:

When you call to Revenue Canada, ask for toll free number to enjoy charge free calling.

Calling Revenue Canada:

At the first step When you call to Revenue Canada please do not forget to tell them that you have found their contact number on

What was the discussion over the phone with Revenue Canada, Please express HERE

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Revenue Canada Contact number, Address, Customer Service

Hi, I had applied for sick benefits a week ago, and I was just wondering if it had went in. And if so I was also wondering how long would I have to wait until getting a pay? or if not could I just apply for my EI? i am new to all this I just been on EI once last year. If you guys could give me a number I could call that would be great as well. Thank you for taken your time to read this.

9/12/2018 11:21:05 AM

I have not received my trillium benefit since May 2018. Please put this money into my account.

12/5/2018 8:59:26 AM

I sent my tax in March 2018 I called CRA in October and was told never got. Was sent electronically and my bankrupt people got theres and your reocrds also show they got. How do I get you a copy of my tax. I need a email address.

12/10/2018 11:12:13 AM