Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad Phone Number Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad Contact Number Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad Toll free number Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad Email Address Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad Customer Service Phone Number

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Contact Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad

For your convenience to contact Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad We have provided all possible information of Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad. You can contact Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad on the given phone number +91079 2663 9840. To know the address location of Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad it is also presented here Ratubhai Adani Arogyadham, Dr Jivraj Mehta Marg, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380007, India. Contact them by sending email to Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad you will find an email address here info@jivrajhealthcare.org. To know more about Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad, go to their website www.jivrajhealthcare.org and collect all possible information from there. You can contact them from their website also.

If you have any comment to post or you want to register a complaint against Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad, you are advised to go to the below box and post your view there.

Visit Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad on the Given Address:

Ratubhai Adani Arogyadham, Dr Jivraj Mehta Marg, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380007, India

Contact Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad on the Given Contact Number:

+91079 2663 9840.
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Jivraj Mehta Hospital Ahmedabad is Associated With and Known as:

Dr. Jivraj Mahta Samark Health Foundation was established on 2nd October, 1989. It started with the Aim of honoring the eminent services of Dr. Jivraj Mehta to the nation in the fields of medical education, research and administration. Dr. Jivraj Mehta was dedicated and renowned in the medical field and was the first Chief Minister of Gujarat. The hospital was established by Shri Ratubhai Adani who as the founder President. The hospital and its research centre came into being from vision to reality because of his undeterred efforts and determination. The hospital is located at Arogyadham, Near Ayogan Nagar, Ahmedabad. It provides services in various specialty and super specialty branches of medicine and surgery like neuromedicine and surgery, plastic surgery, orthopedics, cardio thoracic surgery etc. They have state of art facilities and services at their centre with dedicated and diligent team of specialists. They have full time medical officers, resident medical officers, post graduate medical officers, full and part time specialists in order to provide 24x7 patient care services. They also have over hundred honorary consultants in almost all specialties and super specialties with well-equipped fourteen bedded I.C.C.U and six bedded ICU to cater to all emergencies and acute cardiac disorders. Its research centre is involved in many research projects regarding various medical disciplines, with emphasis on cardio-pulmonary disorders.

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